• Exploring Ideas in Human Data Interaction, Data Justice, nonprofit tech,

    Small data + the intersections of human rights

  • Lauri Goldkind, Associate Professor Graduate School of Social Service, FOrdham University.

    Dr. Goldkind has a longstanding interest and practice background in nonprofit leadership, capacity building, and organizational development. At Fordham she teaches across the foundation and advanced years. Her practice experience has been centered in the youth development, education, and juvenile justice realms.


    Prior to joining the faculty, she served as the Director of New School Development and the Director of Evaluation at The Urban Assembly (UA), a network of new specialized public schools located in the Brooklyn, the Bronx and Manhattan. At UA she supported principals through the new school process, helping them earn start-up grants valued at over $500,000 per school; additionally, she provided technical assistance to principals and school-based staff on data-driven decision making, development and maintenance of data management structures and the effective use of data to improve student achievement. She has had the privilege of working with youth in NYC at organizations such as CASES, the Posse Foundation and the DOME Project.


    Dr. Goldkind holds an M.S.W. from SUNY Stony Brook with a concentration in planning, administration, and research and a PhD from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work at Yeshiva University.


    Dr. Goldkind has a deep commitment to social justice and a keen interest in work that focuses on creating equity and equal opportunities for all humans. As a social worker who has focused on macro practice, she is also interested in organizational development and evaluating organizational effectiveness across all areas (including use of technology, defining notions of accountability and leadership development).

    Dr. Goldkind’s current research has two strands: technology implementation and information and communication technologies (ICT) tools in human services and nonprofits and social justice and civic engagement in organizational life. Wherever possible she combines both ICT and social justice for a sauce of tech enhanced civic engagement and improved organizational functioning.

    Breaking News

    Goldkind & Thinyane Named Co-Editors of the

    Journal of Technology in Human Services


    Great Resource

    Now available..


    Episode 199 - Karen Zgoda, Dr. Melanie Sage, Dr. Jonathan Singer, and Dr. Lauri Goldkind:

    Technology-Mediated Assignments for Real World Learning



  • Current Research

    Goldkind, L. & Wolf, L. (submitted). ‘That’s the beauty of it’: practitioners describe the affordances of tele-mental health. Clinical Social Work Journal.


    Goldkind, L. & Thinyane, M. (submitted). When the infomediary is left behind: Reconsidering the organizational digital divide in human service organizations. Digital Culture & Society Journal.


    Goldkind, L. & Wolf, L. (2020). Selling your soul on the information superhighway: Consenting to services in direct to consumer tele-mental health. Families in Society, 101(1), 6-20.


    Goldkind, L., Wolf, L., & Freddolino, P. (2018). Digital Social Work Practice: Cases from the field. Oxford University Press: New York, NY.


    Goldkind, L. , Thinyane, M., & Choi, M., (2019). The intersection of Small Data, social work and social justice: practice recommendations for the infosphere. Journal of Technology in Human Services.


    Goldkind, L., & McNutt, J. G. (2018). Vampires in the Technological Mist: The Sharing Economy, Employment and the Quest for Economic Justice and Fairness in a Digital Future. Ethics and Social Welfare, 1-13.


    McNutt, J G., Guo, C., Goldkind, L., Seongho, A. (2018). Technology in Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action. Voluntaristics Review. 1 - 63.


    Thinyane, M., Goldkind, L., & Lam, H. I. (2018). Data Collaboration and Participation for Sustainable Development Goals - A Case for Engaging Community Based Organizations. Journal of Human Rights in Social Work


    Goldkind, L. & Marmo, S. (2017). Leave No Org Behind: Exploring the digital life of Community Action Agencies in Advocacy, Activism, and the Internet: Community Organization and Social Policy edited by McNutt, J. G. Hersey, PA: IGI Global.


    Goldkind, L., Wolf, L., & Jones, J. (2016). Late adapters? How social workers acquire knowledge and skills about technology tools. Journal of Computers in Human Services. DOI:10.1080/15228835.2016.1250027


    Goldkind, L. (2016). Nonprofit 2.0: hardware, software and shareware. Opportunities and challenges in the digital age. Nonprofit Management: A Social Justice Approach. New York: Springer.


    Goldkind, L. (2016). Fundraising for Social Justice: securing resources for just causes. Nonprofit Management: A Social Justice Approach. New York: Springer.


    Wolf, L. & Goldkind, L. (2016). Digital native meet friendly visitor: A Flexner-inspired call to digital action. Journal of Social Work Education.


    Goldkind, L. (2015). Social media & social service: are nonprofits plugged in to the digital age. Human Services Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance.


    Goldkind, L. (2015). Leaning out: exploring organizational advocacy activities from an open systems perspective. The Journal of Policy Practice.


    Goldkind, L. & Wolf, L. (2014). A digital environment approach: Four technologies that will disrupt social work practice. Social Work, doi: 10.1093/sw/swu045.


    Goldkind, L. (2014). E-advocacy in human services: The impact of organizational conditions and characteristics on electronic advocacy activities among nonprofits. The Journal of Policy Practice, 13 (4), 300-315.


    Goldkind, L. & McNutt, J. (2014). Social media & social change: Nonprofits and using social media strategies to meet advocacy goals. In A. M. Lucia-Casademunt & J. A. Ariza-Montes (Eds.), Information Communication Technologies (ICT) Management in Non-profit Organizations, Hersey, PA: IGI Global.


    McNutt, J., & Goldkind, L. (2014). E-activism. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Hersey, PA: IGI Global.


    Goldkind, L. (2014). Protective webs: Exploring a role for school social workers on behalf of delinquent youth. Journal of Evidence Based Social Work, 11(4), 337-349.


    Goldkind, L. & Pardasani, M. (2013). Social workers as senior executives: does academic training dictate leadership style? Advances in Social Work, 14(2), 573-593.


    Goldkind, L. & Farmer, G. L. (2013). The enduring influence of school size on parents and student’s school engagement. The School Community Journal, 23(1), 223-244.


    Goldkind, L., Pardasani, M., & Marmo, S. (2013). Merging for Survival: An Innovative Collaboration Effort, One Year Later. Administration in Social Work, 37(2), 199-212.


    Pardasani, M. & Goldkind, L. (2012). Senior Centers and Policy Advocacy: Changing Public Perceptions. Educational Gerontology, 38(6), 375-390.


    Pardasani, M., & Goldkind, L. (2012). Managing agencies for multicultural services. In E. Congress & M. Gonzalez (Eds.), Multicultural perspectives in social work practice with families (3 ed.). New York: Springer.


    Goldkind, L. (2011). A Leadership Opportunity for School Social Workers: Bridging the Gaps in School Re-entry for Juvenile Justice Youth. Children and Schools, 33(4), 229-23.


    Goldkind, L. & Pardasani, M. (2012). More than the sum of its parts: an innovative organizational collaboration model. Administration in Social Work, 36 (3), 258-279.


    Pardasani, M. & Goldkind, L., Heyman, J. (2012). How Much Does the Distance in Distance Education Matter? Our Students Speak. Social Work Education, 31 (4), 406-421.


    Goldkind, L., & Hirschfield, P. (2009) Helping to Build Bridges: School Reentry of Incarcerated Juveniles, Collaborative Forensic Social Work: A Comprehensive Guide to Practice. Springer, NY.


    Goldkind, L., (2007). War on the Family, book review in Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 22 (1).


    Goldkind, L., (2006). Issues in school violence research, book review in the Journal of Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 4(1).


    Goldkind, L. & Van Anden, J., (2005). Neil and Iona: A Case Study in Cybernetic Performance Art. Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 13(11).

  • Open space technology

    Open Space Technology (OST) is a mechanism for facilitating self-organizing meetings. It was founded by Harrison Owen.


    There are four rules governing the OST process:

    1. Whoever comes are the right people
    2. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened.
    3. When it starts is the right time
    4. When it's over it's over

    There is one rule in OST meetings, the Law of Two Feet. It goes like this:


    “If at any time during our time together you find yourself in any situation where you are

    neither learning nor contributing, use your two feet, go someplace else.”


    It's a super model for tackling thorny, complicated problems.


    Here are some resources for learning more about it:


    Open Space World

    Open Space - Harrison Owen

    Open Space Forms, Checklists and more resources - Chris Corrigan



  • Robot Resources

  • United Nations University Institute on computing + society Summer 2017 Macau, SAR, China

    This sounds like Macau:

  • Podcasts.. not just for the nerdy..

    Great for classroom resources, life long learning, a moment of mindfulness..

    or just quietly tweaking out on the train..

    Partially Derivative



    The Nerdist Podcast


  • Quotes & Notes

    Chirrut, Rogue One

    "I am one with the Force. The Force is with me"

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.


    Tina Fey, Bossypants

    “Some people say, ‘Never let them see you cry.’ I say, if you’re so mad you could just cry, then cry. It terrifies everyone.”

    Teresa Welsh - Data Mine

    Currently, 2.5 billion people globally don't have access to improved sanitation facilities – meaning more people have access to mobile phones than to toilets.


    Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

    Barak Obama, POTUS - Guns are our shared responsibility

    "Even as I continue to take every action possible as president, I will also take every action I can as a citizen. I will not campaign for, vote for or support any candidate, even in my own party, who does not support common-sense gun reform."

    Samuel Beckett

    ..I can't go on, I'll go on..

    James Baldwin

    “To be black and conscious in America is to be in a constant state of rage.” 


    Langston Hughes, 1902 - 1967

    Hold fast to dreams

    For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird

    That cannot fly.

    Hold fast to dreams

    For when dreams go

    Life is a barren field

    Frozen with snow.

    Mark Strand 1934 - 2014

    In a field
    I am the absence
    of field.
    This is
    always the case.
    Wherever I am
    I am what is missing.

    When I walk
    I part the air
    and always
    the air moves in
    to fill the spaces
    where my body's been.

    We all have reasons
    for moving.
    I move
    to keep things whole.

    Faux-Quotes Vu Le

    “If today were the last day of your life, would you want to spend all this time trying to understand social impact bonds?” Steve Jobs


    My idol:


    T. S. Elliot, No 4 of Four Quartets, 1942

    We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. T. S. Eliot
    Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/t_s_eliot_109032

    We shall not cease from exploration/ And the end of all our exploring/ Will be to arrive where we started/ And know the place for the first time

  • Social type media Items

    broken image


    broken image


    broken image


    broken image

    Research Gate

    broken image


  • Reach out. Tell me about yourself, your work, or a really good resource I should know about (people, links, orgs, a great yoga pose)

  • Blah. Blah. & Blah.

    For a relatively quiet person, I sure do have a bunch to say..

    Didn't this used to be referred to as shopping (pun intended). Auto-therapy Well, we do know...
    I would leave the ivory tower and indeed the tri-state area for one good: